Cave and Basin
National Historic Site of Canada


A Piece of History
Courtesy Travel Alberta

Come and see where it all began! It was here that the warm mineral waters were first discovered by three young Canadian Pacific railway workers. This in turn led to the creation of Canada's first national park - now known as Banff National Park!

Walk through the "cave" and see the small mineral pool which is home to the Banff Springs Snail - an endangered species. Tour the interpretive centre and watch a re-enactment video of how Canada's first national park came to be.

Go outside and see the "basin" and the bathhouse that were used for years by visitors from all over the world. Old pictures of the basin's use over the years are framed for you to enjoy. Experience this unique historic site and witness a piece of Canada's history.

Boardwalks lead you to the warm, bubbling springs and a quiet marsh where you can find many kinds of birds and tiny fish. Tours are daily in summer and on the weekends in winter, beginning at 11am. This facility is wheelchair and stroller friendly and has a large parking lot. The Sundance Bistro opens in May for the summer.

311 Cave Ave
Banff, Alberta
Tel: (403) 762-1566
Fax: (403) 762-1565

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